© St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Kirkcaldy 2023
St Peter’s Scottish Episcopal Church
With St Mary & St Leonard, Kinghorn Charity Nos: SCO10443
Townsend Place, Kirkcaldy, Fife
Tel: 01592 204208
Email: cnfraser@btinternet.com
News & Events - 2005
Dedication of Peace Garden
On 25 September, after Evensong and a Harvest Festival supper, the rear garden of the church was dedicated by Fr Gareth and
named the "Peace Garden". Plans for the layout of this garden were submitted by students of Elmwood College and were accepted
by the vestry on 20 April. Since then a considerable amount of work has been done by the students and members of the
congregation, in particular by Jenny Legge. Paving slabs were donated by a local firm and money for plants was donated by church
Centenary and closure of St Mary's Kinghorn
On Sunday, 14 August, members of St Peter's and St Mary's joined together in a Sung Eucharist to celebrate 100 years of the
church on its present site. The celebrant and preacher was the new bishop, the Right Rev David Chillingworth. Sadly it also
marked the last service to be held there. Subsequent services will be held in the Sailors Isle in Kinghorn Parish Church. In spite of
that, there was a spirit of hope and optimism among the congregation and the occasion was not an unhappy one. The service was
followed by a buffet lunch.
Celebration of the life of Richard Pattinson
Musician Richard Pattinson, son of Alan Pattinson, was killed in an accident in the Swiss mountains on 18 July. Stunned by news
of his death, members of the community, members of St Peter's, representatives of the musical world here and abroad, family and
friends attended a service at St Peter's on 29 July.